

Planificación de su legado

Thinking about the end of your life can be scary and the last thing you want to do. However, creating an estate plan has several benefits that not only benefit your family, but can also have a great impact on your life in the event that you do fall ill.

At J. Torrez Law P.C., we want you to be prepared. Our goal is to help you preserve your legacy and make your wishes known. Our estate planning attorney will help you create a plan that is right for you.

Uso de herramientas de planificación

Everyone has an estate. It consists of everything you own and what is in your bank accounts. What happens to your belongings and yourself in the event that you become incapacitated can be outlined in an estate plan through different documents.

Nuestro abogado le ayudará con:

  • Testamentos
  • Fideicomisos
  • Directrices médicas
  • Poder medico
  • Cuidado de ancianos

These tools will ensure that your belongings go to the right people and are handled according to your desires. Medical directives allow you to make your treatment wishes known should you fall ill and be unable to make decisions for yourself.

Comprender la administración testamentaria y patrimonial

When an individual passes on, their assets are transferred. This process is called estate administration. If the decedent’s assets require a title transfer or have other stipulations that cannot take place without court intervention, the assets will go through probate.

El proceso de sucesión incluye:

  • Presentar una solicitud
  • Una audiencia judicial para la albacea
  • Hacer un inventario y hacer que se evalúen los artículos.
  • Pago de deudas y reclamaciones
  • Declaración de impuestos
  • Transferencia de la propiedad a los herederos.

Permítanos ayudarlo a planificar lo inesperado

If you would like to establish an estate plan, contact us at our Austin office. Call to speak with our estate planning and probate lawyer today. We proudly serve families throughout Travis County, Williamson County, Hays County, Caldwell County, Bastrop County, and Bexar County here in Texas.